
Dealing With Disaster

Feeling the itch to get away from everything I decided to pack my car and just drive. No real plans. I woke up before the crack of dawn and headed north along the coast with my camera, gopro, and drone. I had the intention of stopping by random places to take a lot of aerial photography. Fate, or God, or whatever you believe in, had other plans for me.

During this trip, my phone decided it would die on me. This singular event changed everything for the trip. You don’t realize how much you rely on your phone until you don’t have one anymore in the middle of some unfamiliar place. No Google Maps, no way to run the app I needed to fly my drone, no contact with anyone… I guess I got my wish of getting away from literally everything. At this point, I could either turn back towards my safety net to figure out my tech troubles or keep going.

I decided to keep going. Navigation wasn’t too difficult considering I was just following the coast. I was really bummed I couldn’t use my drone anymore but decided I would change my intentions and just do this trip for the sake of doing it and just taking in the moments for myself – old school style.


I ended up in places I had never gone to before even though I had driven through these roads in the past. Without planning it, I ended up driving off road on a beach. WIthout planning it, I happened to stop at a beach with amazing waves – it was such a tease because I didn’t have my surfboard with me.

Although I didn’t get a chance to take many photos to document what I saw, I will always remember this experience and have faith in myself that I can do okay in a zombie apocalypse (as long as I am near the coast).

When life throws you lemons…

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